Monday, July 22, 2013

Four years ago this evening I was frantically trying to prepare for my daughter to arrive.  I had just learned a couple of hours earlier that while I had been preparing for years to bring home a toddler, I would in fact, be bringing home a baby - a 5 1/2 month old little peanut who barely weighed 12 pounds and would in no way fit any of the clothes, diapers or sleepers I had brought with me.  So off I go with my sister and one of the other dads (a second timer who was much cooler headed than the rest of us!) to seek out a Wal-Mart (yes, they have Wal-Marts in China) to buy diapers and anything else I could find to fit this tiny little girl who was to be my daughter.  There was a long involved back and forth with the saleslady in the diaper department - we did not speak the same language so it was more like charades - and she finally got me to understand that the smaller bags of Pampers were a better deal because they were on special:)  And if there were any infant clothes that didn't involve split pants, I couldn't find them so we came home with very little other than diapers. Then came the long peaceful but rather sleepless night waiting for the 8:00 am meeting at the office of Civil Affairs.