Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Trip to Arkansas

We took our first trip - to visit our family in Arkansas. We got to visit with our family - Charis really loved hanging out with her cousins Avery (almost 3), Brayden (3 1/2) and Robby (6). We got to watch Robby and Brayden show their pig Max at the White County Fair. They both did great but the fair was exhausting! Cousin Annie had to carry a sleeping Charis for a while. Avery entertained Charis with her storytelling and letting her play in her room. We visited Elizabeth at work and she let Charis practice her keyboard skills. There were lots of first while we were gone. Charis started crawling - but only backwards so far. She also started clapping - it's so cute! After Aunt Sharen had a coughing spell, Charis learned to "fake" cough. And there's also a new tooth! And another first, she decided one day while we were visiting the Roses to empty her diaper bag. What a big girl!