Thursday, January 6, 2011

Touching My Heart

My girl is on a mission to touch my heart these days I guess.  The other day she initiated her first "Charis-led" prayer.  After we said our typical good night prayer, she said "Charis pray" and proceeded to say "Dear God (several words I didn't understand) princess (more words) mommy (more words) All done!"  Then tonight as I was rocking her before bedtime and singing her the same song I have sung to her every night since she's been home (I love you, God loves you, and that's the way it's gonna be), I hear this little voice chiming in "I love you and God loves you....".  Well she didn't get all the words right but she got the tune and most of the words.  What a sweetie!!!  Guess all this sweetness is to make up for the roaring into the twos that she's doing:)